Crystal clear, everyone's a resident
a resident of fear,
When we've been told over and over and condemned to believe,
that everyone is coming to dismay you in the streets,
Most of us say proudly through clamped teeth,
''It's my right to hate, don't obliterate my freedom of speech!''
But when did freedom of speech become a reason to hate,
something that justified a racial, homophobic, false slur or insult we made?
There's some irony in freedom, especially modernity's retake,
we all express racist, transphobic wrongful assumptions, profound by mistakes
Spreading rumours, hurting others, oh for God's sake,
It's called hypocrisy
preaching a certain value you yourself would never partake,
Sure go ahead and make your implications,
showcase your opinions, but through this duration
when it comes to false accusations, wrongful citations
be careful to avoid them,
since freedom of speech never meant freedom of wrongful damnations.
by Anonymous (9B)
